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Pre-Buy and Guaranteed Comfort sign-ups are now open. 

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Serving Eastern Kansas, Western Missouri, and Northeast Oklahoma

Instagram: @_tahasass_ YouTube: youtube.com/c/TahaSass

Affordable, reliable comfort.

Heartland Propane is the largest locally owned propane supplier in the area, with seven distribution hubs throughout eastern Kansas. We treat you like our neighbor because you are our neighbor. 

We believe so strongly in our commitment to customer service that we offer a $100 guarantee that our routed customers won't run dry. 

What makes Heartland different?

24/7 Service

With a live customer service representative available by phone 24/7, 365 days a year, the level of support our customers receive is unmatched in the industry. And those receiving our Priority One Service can even receive deliveries on nights and weekends from our on-call drivers.

Locked-In Pricing

We work hard to protect our customers from spikes in propane prices. Our Guaranteed Comfort plan provides a yearly cap on the per-gallon price of propane, while our pre-buy customers know exactly how much they'll pay for their entire year's supply.

Focus On Flexibility

Heartland Propane offers a variety of service plans to meet our customers' diverse needs, and we also offer a variety of ways to pay. Our SmartPay plan, available to established customers, allows you to spread the cost of your yearly propane bill across 12 months.

Residential Service

Propane is a powerful, clean, efficient energy source for homes, farms, fleets, and businesses. By choosing Heartland Propane for your family, you are guaranteed an affordable, reliable, and flexible supply of energy to warm your home and feed your family.

Small house on an autumn’s day

Business & Commercial

Heartland Propane offers commercial propane service. We provide propane delivery service for commercial standby generation, propane-cylinder equipped fork trucks, transport-sized storage tank applications and most everything in between.

Business time

Underground Tanks

For those who want to keep their view clear of obstructions, Heartland Propane can install an underground propane tank.

Bottle Fills

Need a bottle filled for your backyard grill, family RV or company forklift? Heartland Propane has a network of locations for bottle refills. Find a vendor on our service area map

Propane bottle